Ready to take the next step on your soul path?


This path isn’t meant for everyone.

You’ve always felt that you’re different.

As an old soul, you've always sensed your unique connection to the mystical realms, yearning for more depth, more answers, and more meaning.


Despite your numerous accomplishments, there remains an insatiable hunger for the real magic that’s eluded you. You've traversed through realms and embarked on quests, maybe both physical and spiritual, creating wonders that either remained unfinished or failed to capture the full essence of your soul… the void within persists, a reminder of your untapped potential and unfulfilled destiny.

  • You may find yourself feeling adrift, unable to pinpoint the source of your discontent.

  • Or perhaps you're acutely aware of the magic that's missing from your life, trapped in a mundane existence devoid of true purpose and enchantment. Your deepest gifts lie dormant, waiting to be awakened

  • Or maybe you’ve already stepped foot on your soul’s mythical path.. and yet, even with the deep transformation and magic that you’re experiencing… you know that you've barely scratched the surface of actualising your true power.

And then, like a whisper from the fae or a call from a distant star, our words resonate with your soul. You feel a stirring deep within, a recognition that this might be the key you've been seeking. This is no mere coincidence or idle curiosity - it is a beckoning from the realms of mythical, urging you to heed the call of your destiny.

(But if it is just curiosity? Walk away now, it’s not for you. Not now, at least. For this path is certainly not for everyone at every time… Only those who are truly ready may dare to tread upon this sacred path.)

But if you’re feeling the call of your ancient soul, read on…

 Ways you can go deeper on your soul’s path…


UNIO: The Academy of Sacred Union

This is for the old souls in this new world…

Discover your kin & unite with your soul’s calling to truly live your myth.

Mythical Mentoring
with Lian & Jonathan

A bespoke six to twelve month deeply intimate, immersive experience into the depths of your soul’s truth, working with ancient ways for these modern days, in which you’ll receive 1:1 mentoring, support and guidance from both Lian and Jonathan, with optional vision quests, medicine ceremonies, shamanic healings, microdosing, and access to other crucibles if aligned, all in service of uncovering and actualising your soul’s unique myth.

More details coming soon, for now, please email us to arrange to explore if this is for you.

Rose Quest

An upcoming new crucible for women hearing the enlivening, chthonic call of the Mythical Feminine.

We will journey into the depths of the Rose - a mythic symbol, an ancient teacher, and powerful spirit of beauty, love, and unity.

Shamanic Healing

Ancient medicine for modern wounds - a ceremony to open the pathways to healing.


Liberty Quest

A 7-week shamanic alchemical journey of liberation with the spirit of the Mushroom led by Lian and our Entheogen Guide, Leanne Rowell.

Not your mother’s microdosing course. 😉

Wild Masculine

Join a sacred circle of men waking the Wild Masculine.

Together we’ll be harnessing embodiment principles and core Masculine methods to aid you in the reclamation of the gifts of the Wild Masculine.